D2S Development

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David Birkin
Full Stack Web Developer
Laravel Enthusiast
  • Residence:
  • City:
    Port Saint Lucie
  • Age:
Team Skills
People Skills
DRY Principles
SOLID Principles
Database Design
  • Bootstrap, Material UI, MaryUI
  • TailwindCSS
  • Sass, Boostrap 4+
  • Webpack, Vite
  • Git / Software Versioning
  • Livewire, AlpineJS


Laravel 10.47: new whereAny() & whereAll()
03/07/2024 / Laravel, Technology, Website Development
Laravel 10.47: new whereAny() & whereAll()

This week in Laravel, two new eloquent methods were merged into the framework. These methods, originally contributed by Alexander as…

Laravel Herd Pro: A guide to Pro Features
02/10/2024 / Laravel, Technology, Testing, Tools, Website Development
Laravel Herd Pro: A guide to Pro Features

With the exciting Laracon EU behind us, one of the new feature drops that was demoed was Laravel Herd: Pro….

Laravel: Validate your forms using Form Request Validation
02/01/2024 / Laravel, Technology, Website Development
Laravel: Validate your forms using Form Request Validation

Are you the type of developer who likes to keep your controllers clean? Writing minimal logic without losing the functionality…

Laravel 10: Sending Emails with Envelopes
01/30/2024 / Laravel, Technology, Website Development
Laravel 10: Sending Emails with Envelopes

Throughout the lifespan of Laravel and more specifically, Laravel 9.35, Taylor Otwell (Creator of Laravel) decided to add in a…

Passing Headers using PestPHP in Laravel
01/27/2024 / Laravel, PestPHP, Technology, Testing, Website Development
Passing Headers using PestPHP in Laravel

Many times I write these blog posts as a reminder to myself of how to do something when I seemingly…

How to Handle Laravel Pivot Table Exceptions
01/24/2024 / Design, Laravel, Technology, Website Development
How to Handle Laravel Pivot Table Exceptions

Depending on how you setup your pivot tables in Laravel, you may experience a few exceptions. Whilst doing a Stripe…

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