
/ Laravel, Technology, Website Development
Laravel 10.47: new whereAny() & whereAll()
This week in Laravel, two new eloquent methods were merged into the framework. These methods, originally contributed by Alexander as…

/ Laravel, Technology, Testing, Tools, Website Development
Laravel Herd Pro: A guide to Pro Features
With the exciting Laracon EU behind us, one of the new feature drops that was demoed was Laravel Herd: Pro….

/ Laravel, Technology, Website Development
Laravel: Validate your forms using Form Request Validation
Are you the type of developer who likes to keep your controllers clean? Writing minimal logic without losing the functionality…

/ Laravel, Technology, Website Development
Laravel 10: Sending Emails with Envelopes
Throughout the lifespan of Laravel and more specifically, Laravel 9.35, Taylor Otwell (Creator of Laravel) decided to add in a…

/ Design, Frontend, Laravel, Website Development
Why use Google Recaptcha with Laravel Login?
Google Recaptcha is a great tool to use against spam in your applications. Whether this is a contact form, online…

/ Laravel, PestPHP, Technology, Testing, Website Development
Passing Headers using PestPHP in Laravel
Many times I write these blog posts as a reminder to myself of how to do something when I seemingly…